Hi! Welcome to Heidi's blogsite.. feel free to look through my random thoughts & experiences..Links, archives and tagboard are all in this box! ;)
A brief glimpse...
I'm a/an: Atenean.Piscean.AMPer.AMSer.
closet musician.painter.movie lover.
dog lover.

PoT fangirl[heheh].good listener.quiet person.
God fearing person.only child.hopeless case in math.frustrated blogger.lazy bum.

**icon snagged from
April 2006
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December 2007
Thursday, September 14, 2006
ooh. PS!!!!
My cbox is getting spammed by that Beethoven thing. Who knew? :P
heidi posted this piece of randomness at 11:07 PM
(1) comments
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life has been such a drag.. I wish we could just
skip the projects, the endless slaving for long tests, the finals and go
have our SEMBREAK. I need it badly. The little amount of free time left in my hands, I spend by watching TV or using my PC.. This has been the longest sem. Time seems to drag on foreveeerrrrr.... T_T
I know I did
a really crappy job in our Physics long test today. Who the heck thought that forces could be so difficult to deal with?!? Hah.
They never had Captain Barbell(based on one particular test question)
for a teacher. Grr... damped harmonic oscillators, rotating springs, too many formulas.. booooo. >:P
Well, okay. So it was
partly my fault that I didn't study well enough. But still!! Argh. Thank goodness for the Caramel Java Chip Frap, I drank after that depressing episode.
I'm nervous about what score I got in my math midterm. I seriously don't want to hear
"the TALK" from
Sir 'Dah-ball-you' *seriously, that's how he(?) pronounces the letter 'w'.* Apparently no chances to redeem themselves(during the 2nd half of this sem) will be given to students who "are not deserving" to be in our course.
Crap. x_x My grade is still a pass, but one can't help but feel nervous when he gives those 'threatening-guilt talks'.
Kowaii yo~ (-_-")
I am starting to have doubts about staying in AMF, and I don't want to leave my course & blockmates.
Made sense? Read the title.
heidi posted this piece of randomness at 10:10 PM
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